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標題: [雜誌] 「女性Йй⑦」( 加護亞依母親訪問 )
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

勳章介紹:註冊天數滿1460天    勳章名稱:I-See三年章
勳章介紹:註冊天數滿1095天    勳章名稱:I-See兩年章
勳章介紹:註冊天數滿730天    勳章名稱:I-See一年章

會員編號 3327
精華 4
積分 11670
帖子 3570
威望 5 點
I-See幣 88946 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  女
配偶 :Kaikoey:
閱讀權限 220
註冊 2005-4-3
註冊天數 7274
來自 tamaki-ism
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-11-20 04:43 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
「女性Йй⑦」( 加護亞依母親訪問 )


老早就出了,不好意思現在才POST =,=
下面有英文解釋,大家有時間就自己去看吧 XD

「On August 25th, 2007, the gossip magazine Josei Seven published an interview they conducted with Kago Aki, the mother of former Hello!Project member Kago Ai. We at Hello!Online have gotten a hold of this issue, scanned the pages, and translated the article. We're sorry this is coming over a month after the issue was released, but it couldn't be helped. As far as we know, this information isn't available elsewhere on the internet. We hope you enjoy the article.」



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